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Fiberglass Cast Fixes Broken Calf Leg
Dutch farmers and veterinarians have taken an idea from hospitals and adapted it to treatment for farm animals with broken legs.
Scotchwrap casts are made of fiberglass rather than plaster of pans which eliminates problems of soaked plaster casts which become soft and heavy when wet.
A Dutch surgeon first got the idea of trying it on animals and contacted a local vet. Following a successful trial on a lamb with a broken leg, a fiberglass cast was recently used successfully on a calf with a broken front leg.
The fiberglass cast material comes in vacuum-packed bags and has a setting time of 15 min. When no longer needed, it can be easily removed with a saw or scissors. The only disadvantage is that it's three times more expensive than plaster of paris. (Farming News)

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #4