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4-WD ATV Bale Hauler
The 4-WD PUG ATV utility vehicle is an atention-getter by itself, but when it's hauling a round bale it really turns heads.
The rig, manufactured by CheTek Co., Chetek, Wis., comes standard with a dump box that attaches to the rear frame. A new add-on bale spear and hydraulic cylinder re-places the dump box, making it possible to lift and transport bales weighing up to 1,500 lbs. You pull two pins to remove the box and bolt the bale hauler on, then quick couple the same hydraulic hoses used to operate the dump box.
"It works terrific in muddy conditions," says a spokesman. "The spear tilts the bale back at a 30 degree angle for transport. To unload you simply lower it to the ground and drive off."
The PUG is available with a wide variety of attachments and sells for about $12,000. The add-on bale spear sells for $500. Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, The CheTech Co., 430 Phillips St., Box 738, Chetek, Wis. 54728 (ph 715 924-3192).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #2