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Heavy-Duty Air Bumper Is Great Pickup Add-On
If you've ever found yourself five miles from home with a flat tire but no way to fill it, you'll like the new air bumper from Platte River Welding, Oshkosh, Neb., that also features the only extendable pickup hitch on the market with no springs or catch pins, according to the company.
The 6 by 6-in. air bumper has approximately 2,178 cu. in. of air space and will hold 180 psi. for up to a year or more without losing pressure, according to Brad Koeppen, sales representative.
All fittings, gauges and a 25-ft. recoil hose come with the bumper.
The air bumper can be ordered with or without the company's telescoping hitch. The unique hitch has heavy latches that lock permanently without the aid of springs and so, according to the company, it stands up better to wear and tear, especially when used with corrosive material such as fertilizers. The lateral movement of the hitch, when extended, is 15 in. and it telescopes about 5 in.
The air bumper equipped with a telescoping hitch sells for $630. Both the air bumper and hitch are also available separately.
For more information, contact:FARM SHOW Followup, Platte River Welding, Oshkosh, Neb. 69154 (ph 208 772-3780).

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1983 - Volume #7, Issue #6