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New Safety Gloves Made Of Chain
"They're lightweight but so strong they'll deflect knife thrusts," says the French manufacturers of new stain-less steel chain gloves.
The gloves were designed for use in the meat and fish industries for workers handling knives and meat cleavers. But J.M. Herve of Metal Chainex, Paris, says there may be many other uses where the new chain gloves can virtually eliminate damage to hands. For example, you may want to leave a pair by your emery wheel and avoid nipping your fingers every time you've got an edge to file.
The gloves consist of metal links with a middle dia. of 2.3 mm that make them effective against knives and other cutting objects. Made from molybdenum stainless steel, the gloves are light and flexible.
A quick fastening system closes the glove simply by pressing it shut.
"Only a hard mesh like ours can stop knives and machines that'll cut right through conventional gloves," says Herve.
The gloves are available in small, medium, and large sizes for both men and women, and in 2, 3 and 5-digit models.
A pair of gloves sells for $32.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Metal Chainex, rue de Gramont, 75002 Paris, France (nh 010 33129666 44).

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1982 - Volume #6, Issue #4