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Front-Mounted Wick Applicator For ATV's
I fitted my Suzuki quad-sport ATV with a. front-mounted wick applicator. It pivots where it attaches to the frame and is hung on chains from the front carrier. Adjusting length of chains adjusts the working height. I mix Roundup and water 1:1 and use this unit to go after unwanted growth around power poles, fences, and tall-growing weeds in crops. The applicator is 6 ft. wide.
I also made a simple towbar (it's sitting on front carrier in wick applicator photo) that lets me tow the ATV behind equipment. It holds the front wheels off the ground. It's made out of 1 1/4-in. sq. tubing. It simply hooks over the top of the cross member in the center frame, and then you lift up on the bar, which is cradled under the front frame of the ATV. Works great. (BiII McLaren, Box 403, Maidstone, Sask. Canada SOM IMO)

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3