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Pen Makes Lasting Impression On Metal
New from Kager International, Los Angeles, Ca., is Engrave-O-Mark, a pen that writes on most any metal and leaves a lasting impression that can only be removed with sandpaper.
The pen's etching solution leaves a black, smudge-proof mark that appears immediately on most metals. "A thin vertical needle running through the tip of the pen forces an uninterrupted flow of fluid onto the writing surface," explains Peter Nelson, national sales manager for Kager. "With a few metals, it takes a few seconds before the marking is clearly visible.
"This pen eliminates the need for engraving or stamping machines or equipment to identify them. If the metal surface is free of dirt and grease, it's as easy to write on as paper. You can engrave stainless steel, copper, nickle, tin and lead," explains Nelson. "It won't, however, write on aluminum or polished chrome."
Two types of cartridges are available for the Engrave-O-Mark. One carries a strong solution to be used on heavy metals, like iron, and on alloys, such as rust-proof stainless steel. The second cartridge, loaded with a less intensive solution, is especially suited for corrosive metals.
When used on corrosive materials, the marked area should be treated with some type of water repellent to prevent any corrosion. On nonferrous surfaces, just wiping the marked area with an oil-dipped cloth provides enough protection, according to Kager.
Price for the Engrave-O-Mark, including two interchangeable cartridges, is $9.80. For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Peter R. Nelson, Sales Manager, Kager International, Suite 710, 1180 South Beverly Drive, Los Angeles, Ca. 90035 (ph 910 490-2121).

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1978 - Volume #2, Issue #6