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Freeze-Proof Hog Waterer
"I've used this design for freeze-proof waterers for 10 years with no problems," says David Ross, Henderson, Tenn., about his inexpensive and durable concrete waterers.
"We raise hogs outside so I had to come up with a way to keep waterers from freezing up.
"This waterer consists of a square concrete box with 6 in. thick walls. Outer diameter is 15 by 22 by 10 in. high. The inside compartment is 9 by 16 by 10 in. high. The water line comes up through the center and out through the sides of the concrete wall to the water cup. There's a water shut-off inside the waterer. A 100-watt lightbulb inside the compartment provides enough heat to keep the water line from freezing. When the concrete was poured, a piece of 1/2-in. galvanized pipe was placed in it to carry an electrical line to the bulb. The pipe runs straight up out the top of the waterer.
"When pouring the concrete, I left holes running out to the water pans. The holes should be about 1 in. larger than the pipes so enough hot air will escape out the side to keep the water valves from freezing. A large flat lid over the top of the waterer keeps heat inside.
"You could make the waterer larger to accommodate more animals, or larger animals," notes Ross.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, David Ross, 1020 Memory Lane, Henderson, Tenn. 38340.

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #5