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Loading Ramp For Pickups
"It's one of the highest interest new products we've ever displayed at farm shows," reports Bob Marquardt of Tri-Star Corp., manufacturer of the popular new Arch-Ramp for loading equipment in and out of pickups.
"The high center arch design for clearance is the key feature that catches the farmer's eye," says Marquardt. "He's quick to spot this exclusive design which allows lowslung equipment to be driven on or off without getting hung-up underneath."
The arched skids are equipped with angle iron cleats at both ends. Either end can go against the pickup. Traction, even if it's raining or snowing when you're loading equipment, is no problem, thanks to the ramp's expanded metal track.
The Arch Ramp is available in 1,500 and 3,000 lb. capacity sizes for pickups, and a 6,000 lb. size for flatbeds. Costs range from $79.95 per set for the 1,500 ramps, to $173 for the heavy-duty 6,000 lb. set.
For pickups, the 3,000 lb, ramp is available 12 in. wide and in 8,10 or 12 ft. lengths. A set of 8 ft. ramps, for example, weighs 120 lbs. and sells for $108.35, less shipping.
An optional bracket with 4 stakes for carrying a set of ramps on the pickup sells for $19.95. Also available is a set of arched ramps to set inside the pickup to raise mowers and other equipment over the fender wells.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tri-Star Corp., Box 188, Fillmore, Ill. 62032 (ph. 217 538-2313).

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1977 - Volume #1, Issue #3