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All-Climate Comfort For Your Car, Pickup
"Weathershields let you drive cars, vans or trucks with the windows down, allowing ventilation and, at the same time, keeping out any rain, dust, bugs or snow," says J.T. Holmes, president of Cyplas N.A. Ltd., manufacturer of the new window shields that are already on the market in Europe and Australia.
Weathershields also cut air drag around the vehicle which improves gas mileage. Plus, they help keep windows and mirrors clean and, since they're tinted, they also cut sun glare, says Holmes.
The shields are made of cast optical grade acrylic, the same material used in aircraft windows. Installation of the shield does not interfere in any way with use of the windows.
"They attach very simply to the door frame with stainless steel clips. There's no need to drill holes or use any adhesives. Installation takes just 20 to 25 minutes per pair," notes Holmes.
Weathershields are custom-made for each vehicle and are available for all U.S. and foreign-made cars, trucks and vans. They sell for $59.95 a pair, plus shipping.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Cyplas N. A. Ltd., 97 West Main St., North East, Penn. 16428 (ph 814 725-9363, or 9674).

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1984 - Volume #8, Issue #5