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Plastic Mailbox Post
"We tell people it's the last mailbox they'll ever buy," says Dale Stambaugh, Claypool, Ind., manufacturer of the the "Post-Box" - a first-of-its-kind plastic mailbox-post combination that consists of a single unit molded together.
It's made of heavy-gauge (18-in. thick) poly and is available in 6 different colors that are impregnated in the plastic so they'll never fade and requires no painting. It won't dent and, to set it up, you just fill the base with sand or gravel. No hole to dig. Weighs 100 lbs. when filled. If it gets knocked over, you just set it up again.
Sells for $59.95 ($7 S&H). Comes in black, white, rust, fern green, grey, and chocolate brown. Free lettering of name and address on box (up to 15 characters).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dale Stambaugh, Davit's, 9321 So. Packerton Rd., Claypool, Ind. 46510 (ph 219 839-0082).

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1993 - Volume #17, Issue #6