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New-Style Cultivator Speed Leveler
"It lets you cultivate 7 to 10 mph the first time over," says Minnesota farmer Harvey Ukken, inventor of a new-style Speed Leveler Shield being marketed by Dakon, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.
"Conventional over-the-row shields up front let you increase travel speed to a point, but you're still limited by dirt thrown up from the rear tine or shovel," explains Ukken. "This rolling shield solves the problem. It shields the rear tine or shovel, allowing you to travel up to 10 mph with your C-shank or Danish tine cultivator. What's more, it levels the field in the process."
Rather than running over the row, the new shield mounts directly to the rear tine or shovel. At high speed, thrown soil bounces off the shield's rolling wheels and back towards the row center, creating a leveling action.
The shield's mounting shank has a pivot point which allows it to ride over rocks or trash. It can be pinned in the "up" position to immobilize the shield without having to remove it ù when you want to hill more mature crops, for example.
A two-wheel shield for one row sells for $37.50.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dakon, P.O. Box 909, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. 57101 (ph 605 336-0520).

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1984 - Volume #8, Issue #3