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Free-Standing Glass Fireplace
"It combines outstanding fuel economy with the beauty of a fireplace," says Terry Luscom about his company's new free-standing Glowmaster glass fireplace, one of the most attractive and functional wood burning units we've seen.
It sports stainless steel trim on the glass panels, form steel construction, finger-saving wood handles on the doors and dampers, and a handy 2 cu. ft. stainless steel oven.
"A key feature of this free standing fireplace is its controlled air flow. Air enters under the base and is channeled up two chutes that divert it into the burning chamber. There is a wall between the front exposed part of the fireplace and the back oven. To get out the flue, circulating air in the front of the fireplace must pass below the wall and up past the oven. "Making it hard for heated air to get out of the burning chamber is what makes the fireplace so efficient," Luscom points out.
The fireplace stands 32 in. high, 32 in. long, 22 in. wide and weighs about 140 lbs. Its legs are adjustable fob easy leveling. Tempered 114 in. glass covers the top, sides and large front-opening door. Instead of grates, the firebox is lined with a coating of concrete (cement is shipped with the stove in a bag). A lever on the front controls the damper for both side air vents. The flat top provides cooking space.
The stainless steel oven, located in the back one-third of the fireplace, acts as a heat reclaimer as air passes through the back chamber and out the flue.
The Glowmaster sells for $695, not including the flue.. A model without the oven in back, or glass on top, sells for $489. Both models carry a 12 mo. warranty.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Glowmaster, do Rubber Dynamics Corp., Box 108, Armstrong, Iowa 50514 (ph 712-864-3737).

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1979 - Volume #3, Issue #2