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Revolving Dike-Maker
New style field dam maker lets you space water saving dams at any distance to trap water under irrigation systems or on uneven ground to stop runoff.
The 3-pt. toolbar mounted 6-row dam maker uses two 10-in. dia. discs mounted on a revolving shaft to dam up dirt in the row. A deep chiseling shank ahead of the dammer units digs up the soil.
The discs simply pile up dirt until a ground-driven mechanism trips them and the dirt is released and the other disc drops down into place. By changing sprockets on the disc-tripping device, you can vary the distance and size of the dams. Tension on the dammers can also be adjusted to allow them to trip automatically when they hit an object. In extremely hard or dry soil a set of spider wheels can be mounted behind the chisel shanks but ahead of the dammer units to break up soil chunks.
The 6-row dike-maker, with variable row width, sells for $9,000.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Agrom, S.A., Apartado de Correos 23, Binefar, Huesca, Spain (ph 42 83 00).

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1986 - Volume #10, Issue #4