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Update Your Church With New Pew Pads
One alternative to expensive refinishing or replacement of old church pews is covering them with custom-fitted pew pads developed by Arnold Industries, Holdredge, Neb.
"Often, pews have been in churches as long as most members can remember and they're reluctant to part with them, even when the pews are so worn they're snagging and sticking to clothing. With our custom-fitted pads, they can keep the pews and modernize them at the same time. Also, with energy prices so high many churches are keeping the temperature down. It's much easier to do with upholstered pews since they're warmer than cold wood," says Arnold Allerheiligen, designer of "Instant Pew" pew pads.
They're custom-built in Nebraska and shipped to churches for installation. The wood-backed pads are installed with screws and small brads (or special brackets, if you don't want to drill holes in the pew seats). No special skills or tools are needed.
The pads have a 3/8-in. plywood base with 1 1/2 in. firm polyurethane foam on the bottom, and 1-in. at the back. "We suggest that the back of the pad be placed 1 1/2 to 2-in. lower than the top of the back of the pew to avoid soiling by the hands of people seating themselves behind," Arnold explains. The pad goes down and below the front edge of the old pew seat to prevent snagging on old rough edges.
A wide variety of colors of the 100% Scotch-guarded nylon fabric is available. Crushed velvet is also available at extra cost.
Prices for both the seat and back begin at $8.82 per linear foot. They can be built in varying lengths to fit square or curved-back pews. The Instant-Pew seat by itself sells for $5.85 per foot. Non-fixed reversible cushions sell for $3.91. Arnold notes that the fabric can easily be removed and replaced should it become stained.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Arnold Industries, West Highway 23, Holdredge, Neb. 68949 (ph 308 995-5471).

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1982 - Volume #6, Issue #1