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Gravity Box Auger Pit For Flat Storage
For years Rick Mabeus, Winfield, Iowa, has stored most of his grain in flat storage and used a skidsteer loader to push grain into an auger that loaded it into a truck. However, he got tired of having to push the same grain several times into the intake end of the auger. He solved the problem by converting an old 250-bu. gravity box into a flat storage "auger pit".
The box sets on the floor in the building's doorway. He cut a hole in one side of the box that's big enough for an unloading auger to fit through. The intake end rests against the floor at the other side of the box. He uses the bucket on his skid steer loader to dump grain into the box.
"It really works slick and is a simple and inexpensive way to unload grain out of flat storage," says Mabeus. "Once I dump grain into the box it never gets touched again. Less handling results in better grain quality and speeds up loading time into the truck. It's also safer to use because the intake end of auger is inside the box.
"I mounted a wooden board along the top of the box to keep grain from splashing out whenever I dump the bucket."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rick Mabeus, 22419 60th St., Winfield, Iowa 52659 (ph 319 257-6764 or 257-6779).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #2