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Make-It-Yourself Tire Cattle Scale
Old tires filled with water and hooked up to a pressure gauge make great livestock scales, according to a British company that's promoting the idea.
Bradbury Controls, Ltd., says the idea will work with any tire, from bicycle size to the biggest tractor tire. Automobile tires will weigh loads up to a ton, while large tractor tires accurately measure up to 22 tons.
The idea is to fill a tire with water, installing an inner tube if it doesn't already have one. The air valve is removed and a hose run from the tire to a pressure gauge That converts pressure to weight. A "load ring", fitting the size of the contact area of the tire, is mounted on top of the tire. The load ring can be made out of wood, plastic, or any other stout material.
The "Wheelie Weigher", as the company calls it, can be left outside all year if antifreeze is added to prevent freezing in the colder climates. The company says farmers have been using the homemade weighers for everything from small animals to permanent installation in grain or mixing bins.
Bradbury Controls has a book of plans available for the tire weigher that sells for $7. The company has also made arrangements to handle the other components, such as the pressure gauge, needed to build your own unit.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wheelie Weigh, Bradbury Controls Ltd., P.O. Box 4, Ross-On-Wye, HR9 6EB England (ph 0600-890599).

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1984 - Volume #8, Issue #1