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Business Booming For Farm Macinery Painter
Business is booming for Alan Avery, Goodell, Iowa, who got into the farm machinery painting business about two years ago as a sideline to raising hogs and cattle. The business grew so fast that he had to quit farming and now works full time painting used farm machinery and equipment.
"I've painted 300 tractors since I started, plus an assortment of wagons, trucks, trailers, combines and tillage implements," Alan told FARM SHOW. "I was doing some cars at first, but that's a different kind of business with different paint. My son is branching off into car painting in his own shop."
Avery does the work in his farm shop which is a converted barn. It's equipped with a welder and a high pressure steam cleaner. The shop is heated so work can continue through the winter months, but he sometimes closes down on the coldest days. Customers are farmers and about nine implement dealers. Most customers come from within a 30-mile radius, but a few jobs have been more than 100 miles away.
"A man called me recently and wanted to bring in a tractor from 300 miles away," he notes.
Business built up fast as people heard about Avery's paint shop. There's no need to advertise. In fact, Avery says he wouldn't dare or he'd be swamped with business. Two weeks ago, he had 70 tractor painting jobs on his waiting list.
Avery thinks there is this kind of demand anywhere in the country where farming is done, and he thinks other farmers, especially younger ones, could easily set up a lucrative sideline machinery-painting business. He's willing to share some of his experience with those who might want to get started.
"If you already have some kind of garage or shop to work in, "you can buy all the equipment you'll need for $5,000 to $10,000. That includes a compressor, steam cleaner and welder. You'll also need storage space for supplies."
Avery buys his paint by the pickup truckload from implement dealers, and he stresses that implement paint is different from car paint. Before the paint goes on, rust and grease have to be removed and minor repairs made.
The undercoats are the most important because they protect the metal from weather and wear. Several thin coats go on to build up a smooth finish, and the final product "is better than from the factory", according to Avery. His work is guaranteed, and no job leaves his shop until the customer is completely satisfied.
Avery says the increased value of painted equipment makes painting a real bargain. "Just recently, a customer brought in a trailer that cost $300. After a $300 paint job, he sold it for $1,500," Avery points out.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Alan Avery, Avery's Paint Shop, Rt., 2, Goodell, Iowa 50439 (ph 515 358-6356).

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1982 - Volume #6, Issue #1