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Got A Misplaced Silo? Move It!
If you've got a silo or two that you'd like moved to a more strategic location, maybe you should be comparing notes with a professional silo mover such as Bert Aylsworth, Wadena, Iowa.
"They're easier to move than you might think" says Bert, whose been moving silos professionally for more than 30 years as a sideline to a house moving business which he operates in partnership with sons Gene, Douglas and David.
Aylsworth has lost count, but estimates he's moved about three dozen conventional silos and maybe 8 or 10 Harvestores through the years.
He's never had a silo topple over while being moved. Nonetheless, he takes out special insurance which covers the value of the structure, and any adjacent buildings or other property damaged in the event of a mishap.
"Last one we moved was up near LeRoy, Minn. Moved it about 60 ft. and gave it a half turn," Aylsworth told FARM SHOW. "Total cost for the job was $1900."
As a guideline, Aylsworth says a stave silo that's still being filled regularly will withstand moving without so much as cracking the plaster. He notes, however, that it's seldom practical to move steel or stave silos down the road, or very far on the farmstead itself: "We use planks and rollers to 'inch' silos to the new site. There's usually too much moving time and money involved if you have to move them beyond 1,000 ft."
Aylsworth adds that the distance a mover can move men and equipment from his base of operations also is a limiting factor in determining the economics of moving misplaced silos. He figures 200 to 250 miles is about the practical limit for one silo-moving job. If several silos are involved, the mover could go further.
If you can't find a silo mover but know of a house mover who might be interested in tackling a silo for the first time, the Aylsworths stand ready as consultants to help you ù and your local mover get the job done: "We'd be happy to share our experience in answering any questions the mover might have on how we go about the various steps," says Bert.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bert Aylsworth and Sons, Box 124, Wadena, Iowa 52169. (ph. 319 774-2385).

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1977 - Volume #1, Issue #1