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Different Type Of Deep Tillage
Ask the man who already owns one. Here's what he says about the Sub-Mulcher, a different type of deeptillage from B.C. Mfg., Beaver Crossing, Neb.
Wilbert Dose, Dose Brothers, Danbury, Iowa: "Every farmer should own one. We could really see a difference last year where we'd submulched 250 acres. We like the way it leaves the soil loose but not cloddy."
Richard Wambold, Beaver Crossing, Neb.: "I wouldn't sell it if I couldn't get another one. My plans are to use the Sub-Mulcher in the fall instead of plowing to loosen my ground, then to sub-mulch again in the spring, when the corn gets a foot high, ahead the center pivot to let moisture into the ground. I believe I can save at least one and possibly two waterings by using the Sub-Mulcher."
Leo Reiling, Austin, Minn.: "I first used two Sub-Mulcher shanks on my rear-mounted cultivator to take out the wheel tracks. I didn't know what to expect so I left 8 rows that I didn't sub-mulch close to the farmstead. When fall came, I ran a check over the scale and the results were an unbelievable 17 bu. per acre difference over where I didn't sub-mulch. I now have a five shank model that I use on corn and beans in the row. I'm well satisfied."
Wilmer Bake, Goodland, Kan.: "I like being able to move the Sub-Mulcher shanks to any row width on the toolbar, and the nearly clod-free surface it leaves."
Other farmers who've used it say B.C.'s Sub-Mulcher, which penetrates soil to a depth of 14 in., has virtually eliminated pothole, compaction and hardpan problems.
"When Sub-Mulcher shanks penetrate the soil, they cut, lift and fracture it up to 20 in. on each side," Herb Brown, president of B.C. Mfg., points out. He recommends sub-mulching corn stalks and other fields in the fall for deep penetration of winter and early spring moisture, then following up with submulching at planting time, or during or following cultivation of corn, soybeans and other row crops.
Sub-Mulchers are available in 3,4,5 or 7 shank models, all with 3 pt. hookup and requiring about 20 hp. of tractor power per shank. Cost of a 4-shank model, complete with toolbar frame and 3-pt, hookup, is $1,267.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Herb Brown, B.C. Mfg., Box B, Beaver Crossing, Neb. 68313 (ph. 402 532-2955).

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1977 - Volume #1, Issue #3