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Wheel Walker Ends Overlapping, Streaking
With the high cost of chemicals and fertilizers, you're going to like the "Walker", an easy-to-use measuring wheel. The wheel helps you to precisely measure distances to guide airplane pilots, and truck and tractor drivers helping prevent "overlaps" ot "misses" as they broadcast chemicals, seed or fertilizer.
Manufactured by Aluminum Products, Stuttgart, Ark., the aluminum Walker has six spokes, each spaced 3 ft. apart at the outer ends. In one revolution of the wheel you'll measure off 18 ft. You can walk atyour own pace, without worrying about your stride length.
Weighing just 6 lbs., the wheel turns freely on a hand-held axle that turns easily even on plowed fields or on uneven terrain. Also, it's painted a fluorescent orange so it's visible up to 1/2 mile away.
Sells for $169 for a set of two ù one for each end of the field.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Aluminum Products of Stuttgart, Rt. 2, Box 89, Stuttgart, Ark. 72160 (ph 501 241-3611 or 241-3523).

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1983 - Volume #7, Issue #6