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Horsemobile Bicycle
Something that will soon join the country-western fad that's sweeping the country is a "horse-mobile".
That's the name given to a bicycle modified to look like and ride like a horse. It's the creation of retired farmer Carl Wenzinger of New Bavaria, Ohio.
Wenzinger built his first one from a 26 in. bicycle frame and 24 in. wheels. The trickiest part of it was mounting the front wheel off-center to give the vehicle a bouncing or galloping effect when it moves.
A horse's head and body made of heavy plastic are finished off with a rope tail and mane to simulate the appearance of a real horse.
"It's been a real hit in parades," says Wenzinger. "A lot of people wanted one, so I bought 50 old bikes to convert into horse-mobiles. This winter, I'm working on a patent and organizing a company to build and market them."
Wenzinger has also made a "deer-mobile", and plans to develop a pig-mobile, and a camel-mobile from a bicycle built for two.
Other variations on the drawing board include a horse-mobile with a monkey that plays a drum and cymbal, and a team of horses and cart that will run by battery and electric motor.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Carl Wenzinger, New Bavaria, Ohio 43548 (ph 419 653-8652).

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1982 - Volume #6, Issue #3