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Will Furskins Bears Be Next Cabbage Patch Kids?
The company that brought you "Cabbage Patch Kids" last year is betting that its homely new "Furskins" bears will be the next new rage in toys for tots.
Xavier Robert, creator of cuddly Cabbage Patch Kids, has introduced a family of four "Furskins" bears. They look and are dressed differently, and retail for about $50. They have button eyes, a freckled snout and a bulging belly with a protruding belly button. Each has a name, a personality and is an original.
There's Hattie, a lover of hats and baking. She has a different hat for every pie in her recipe box. Boone is the resident beekeeper and eats all the honey his bees produce. Farrell is the official postmaster of their home town of Moody Hollow, Zip Code 30528¢. Dudley runs the general store and serves as the resident joke-teller.
To order, check with the nearest local store that brought you Cabbage Patch Kids. Chances are they'll soon be taking orders for the Furskins, which aren't adopted by their owners as were the "Kids".
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Public Relations, Original Appalachian Artworks, P.O. Box 714, Cleveland, Ga. 30528 (ph 404 865-2171).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #2