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Pigs Can't Squeal In Upside Down Holder
Hogs are held upside down for one-person castrating, vaccinating and other operations with the new PH 200 from Pride of the Farm, Waterloo, Iowa.
Holding hogs upside down on their backs is safer, easier and cleaner for the operator. Also, it creates less strain on the hog since it can't fight or squeal, the manufacturer points out.
Model PH 200 handles hogs from 10 to 80 lbs., has adjustable brackets that slip over the pen or fence rail, and sells for $120. A smaller model PH 100 is for hogs 2 to 14 days old and sells for $90.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Pride of the Farm, P.O. Box 1921, Waterloo, Iowa 50704 (ph toll free 800 553-1791; in Iowa, call 800 772-2029).

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1984 - Volume #8, Issue #3