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Front End Loader Bean Bar
"It's easy to hook up and the tractor driver can easily adjust height and speed. It's also a lot less expensive than any-thing on the market," says Maynard L. Hampton, Litchfield, Ill., about his front-end loader "bean bar".
It consists of three seats mounted on a length of heavy box beam. Beneath each seat is a triangular frame made out of channel iron that provides a footrest for each rider. They also serve as support legs for the "bean bar" when it's not being used and is in storage. Each opera-tor has a hand-operated spray wand, fed by a 25-gal. tank with an electric pump that mounts at the center of the bar.
"When we were looking at commercial rigs all we could find were built for 8-rows. Because we operate 6-row equipment, we built our bean rig so that each of the three riders sprays 2 rows.
Height is easily adjustable by the tractor operator to keep the sprayers' feet out of chemical. We have even sprayed 5-ft. tall `horse weeds' with it," says Hampton.
The "bean bar" simply slides on over bale forks and is chained on the ends to hold it down. The spray pump works off the battery and has a remote on-off switch. Hampton uses it with a Deere 4020 that doesn't have to be modified in any way to carry the sprayer. "Because it mounts on the bale forks, the operator can al-ways keep the riders level even on uneven ground."
Total cost was less than $300.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Maynard L. Hampton, Rt. 3, Box 281C, Litchfield, Ill. 62056 (ph 217 324-5555).

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1990 - Volume #14, Issue #4