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Rubber Track System Offers Cushioned Suspension
"This is the only track system for 2-WD row crop tractors we know of that offers cushioned suspension. It gives you the smoothest ride of any track system on the market," says Dennis Wilkinson about the add-on rubber track system his company introduced in August.
Called the RC 200 from Omnitrac, the positive drive system is available in track widths from 10 to 40 in. Idler wheels and rollers oscillate independently on a five point pivot design for better traction and exceptionally smooth ride over the roughest fields, Wilkinson notes.
The 1 1/4-in thick tracks feature 1 1/2-in. deep by 1 1/2-in. wide lugs for firm gripping on sidehills. A hydraulic accumulator automatically maintains proper belt tension.
Fits rear wheels on any 2-WD tractor. Sells for $20,000 to $28,000 per pair de-pending on tractor size. (A second model, RC 190, is available without cushioned suspension.)
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Omnitrac, 68287 Lower Cove Rd., Cove, Ore. 97824 (ph 503-963-0139 or 568-4735; fax 568-4571).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #5