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Denver Dumper Fits All Pickups
In only an hour you can equip your pickup with a new tailgate roll-up device that makes unloading of almost any kind of material as simple as pushing a button - or turning a hand crank.
Called the Denver Dumper, it retails for $249. "That's a lot less than the cost of tilt-up dump bed units," explains Jack Snyder, manufacturer. "What's more, there's no installation cost with the do-it-yourself Denver Dumper."
Here's how it works:
A super tough slip-sheet is unrolled and laid out on the floor of the bed. Then, whatever is to be hauled is loaded onto the truck on top of the slip-sheet. To unload, the slip-sheet is wound up on the roller, and the load slides gently to the tailgate and off. It will dump part of a load and it will spread. The tailgate may be either up or down for loading.
Handles most anything, including sand, boxes, bags, hay, grain, fertilizer and more! Fits any wide bed pick-up truck and a minor change (adding an angle iron) adapts it to narrow-bed trucks. Weighs only 75lbs, and can be left in place or be easily removed. Does not interfere with normal operation of truck.
You can use the Denver Dumper as a spreader for items like fertilizer, sand, gravel and top soil. For spreading, the standard unit requires two operators - one to drive the truck and one to turn the hand crank. Adding the optional electric drive ($139) allows the operator to spread, using a dash-mounted control button. It operates on vehicle power (12 volts DC) and bolts on in place of the hand crank.
A key feature of the unit, according to the manufacturer, is that it does not dump things off with a crash like a dump truck. Fragile items may be moved gently to the tailgate for removal by hand. Readily adapts to vans and can be side-mounted on a flat-bed truck for feeding into bunkers, or into fence-line feedbunks.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Denver Dumper, Jack Snyder, Pres., Box 26427, Denver, Colorado, 80226 (ph 303 9732788).

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1977 - Volume #1, Issue #6