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Can You Use A Solar Fence?
Latest new fencing idea under the sun is a solar fence, introduced by Live Wire Products, Grass Valley, Calif.
It features a small collector which captures "free" energy from the sun to keep a regular 12 volt car or truck battery charged. The battery, in turn, charges a 12 volt MK4 controller especially designed for use on long electric fences in remote locations.
"Without the solar energizer, the battery would last about a month on about 10 miles of fencing before needing recharging," says Jack Henderson, of Live Wire Products. "It will run the year around with free solar energy keeping it recharged. This assurance of continuous operation is especially important in coyote country where a dead battery on an electric fence could be costly."
Maximum output of the solar energizer is 19 volts (150 miliamps). Even on a cloudy day, it will produce about 15 volts of battery-recharging current, explains Henderson. "You can string up to 10 miles of solar fence using our MK4 controller, a regular 12 volt car battery, and the new solar energizer to keep the battery charged."
The unit is easy to maintain. You simply attach it to a steel or wood post and adjust it at the recommended angle for your particular geographical area. The solar collector is protected against hail damage and is baffled so birds can't roost on it to mess up the face of the collector.
For more details, contact; FARM SHOW Followup, Live Wire Products, Jack Henderson, president, Box 150, Grass Valley, Calif. 95945 (ph 916-273-9397).

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1978 - Volume #2, Issue #4