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Air-Powered Circular Saw
A new 8' in. air-powered circular saw, developed for high volume continuous production cutting applications, has been introduced by the Power Tool Division of Rockwell International,•Pittsburgh, Pa.
The saw, which meets OSHA requirements, operates at 6,000 rpm and cuts through virtually any type of material accurately to a depth of 2/8 in., and can make angle cuts up to 45? at a depth of 2-1/16 in.
Special features include: A dovetail slide that enables the operator to maintain the same hand position throughout the cut, regardless of the cutting depth; a hose connection extending out the side of the handle to help prevent hose hang-up; an anti-kick clutch; instant on-off trigger throttle; and a telescoping blade guard. The basic saw also includes a solid lock-up blade clamp to convert the anti-kick clutch to positive drive for use with abrasive blades.
Recommended air pressure is 90 to 100 psi. Weighs right at 16 lbs. and retails for approximately $495.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Power Tool Division, Matthew Patulski, Manager, Rockwell International, 400 North Lexington Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.
15208 (ph 412 247-3581).

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1978 - Volume #2, Issue #5