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Calf Suckling Creche
"We came up with the idea on our own farm to put an end to multi suckling problems," says Peter Johnson inventor and manufacturer of a new Calf Suckling Creche which consists of a half-moon circle of feed pans with a series of gates that hold the cow in place while in the feeding position so calves can suckle.
The gates keep cows from kicking calves or moving away, but allow the calf easy access to milk. The system can also be used to catch cows for routine veterinary procedures.
Individual gates swing back and forth on pivots. There are two on either side of each cow. They're held in place by a chain that's drawn across back of each pair of gates.
The 4-cow creche sells for $1,120. It's portable and can be moved easily, or it can be anchored in concrete. An 8-cow unit is also available.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Johnson Brothers, Honeybourne Airfield Estate, Weston Road, Honeybourne, Evesham, Worcestershire WR11 5QF (ph 01386 832546; fax 01386 831253).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #5