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Belt Tightener
"Everyone who owns a series 53 or 54 Deere row crop head knows what a job it is to tighten the gathering belts," says Don Campbell, Dayton, Iowa, inventor of the "Easy Belt Tightener" which, he says, solves the problem.
To install, you remove the end gear, sliding the Easy Belt Tightener over the gear shaft bolt. The new tightener fits into an existing hole in the frame. When you need to tighten the bolt, just take a 3/4 in. wrench and adjust the nut on the tightener.
Campbell is distributing the Easy Belt Tightener through Jim Hay of Harcourt, Iowa. It sells for $20 per row.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jim Hay, Harcourt, Iowa 50544 (ph 515 354-5219, or 5332).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #4