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Portable Reviver For Newborn Calves
"It makes it easy to save calves born with respiratory problems," says Christopher Zawadski about his new Medivet portable suction reviver for newborn calves.
Consists of a small battery-operated suction pump, reservoir and a plastic tube that you stick down the calf's throat or up its nose immediately after birth. It sucks out fluids, speeding up resuscitation of weak and slow newborn animals. In fact, Zawadski recommends using the unit on all newborns to get them started with trouble-free breathing.
"It's easy to use and much safer and easier than other methods, such as hanging calves upside down or using a straw to suck out fluids. The medical catheter attached to our reviver tube easily inserts deep into the nose and throat. For a calf, you need to get at least 9 in. up the nose to get to the sensitive area. The holes in the catheter are on each side of the tip and suck directly on raw nerve ends. This causes pain. The animal reacts by crying out or coughing up, but it has to breathe first," says Zawadski.
Sells for about $440. He's working with a distributor in California (Universal Marketing Services, Fresno, Calif.) which may soon offer the reviver in North America.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Medivet Ltd., Hammerain House, Hook-stone Ave., Harrogate, N. Yorks HG2 8ER England (ph 0423 870866; fax 0423 873311).

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1992 - Volume #16, Issue #1