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Lampless Heat Lamp Reduces Fire Risk
Latest development in heat lamps is the new "lampless" Heat Lite that reduces the risk and worry of bulb-caused fires and broken bulbs.

Imported from Spain, the Heat Lite uses a stainless steel heating element, which the company says. is unbreakable under normal conditions, to provide heat.

"Cold wet noses and high pressure sprayers will not damage the heating element, even while in use," the manufacturer points out. "Plus, there are no more shattered lamps to present a fire hazard or to replace."

The Heat Lite screws into conventional lamp sockets and puts out 250 watts. An aluminum reflector directs heat from the element onto the animals.

A small 10 watt bulb in the Heat Lite provides enough light so you can check animals at night but remains cool to the touch so it doesn't present a fire hazard.

Sells for $23.

For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Hammer's Inc., P.O. Drawer G, Union, IA 50258 (ph 515 486-2264).

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1983 - Volume #7, Issue #6