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All Purpose Farmyard Tractor
"I use it to pull wagons and move machinery around the farm," says Patrick Herbert, Thamesville, Ont., about the shop-built utility farmyard tractor he built with used car parts.
The tractor is equipped with a 1965 Vauxhaul car 4-cyl. engine with a 4-speed transmission. To get a better gear reduction, he bolted a Dodge 3-speed transmission behind the 4ˇspeed. A roller chain mounted in an oil bath runs from the 3-speed to a Chrysler "Post Track" rear end, which was cut and narrowed up to 48 in. "I used 3-in. channel iron for the frame and put 15-in. mud grip tires on the rear and 10-in. tires on the front. The front tires, spindle, seat and gas tank came from an Austin Mini car. Speeds range from 46 mph to a crawl," says Herbert.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Patrick Herbert, Rt. 2, Thamesville, Ont. N0P 2K0 Canada (ph 519 692ˇ3354).

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1986 - Volume #10, Issue #4