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Device Signals When Bins Are Full
"We've sold more than 10,000 since we introduced it two months ago," says John Toso, sales manager for a new level-checking device from LaGrande Manufacturing Co., Alexandria, Minn., that tells you what level grain or feed is at inside a bin or feeder.
The Bin Check consists of a lightweight aluminum paddle balanced inside a bin against a red handle outside. When a bin is empty, the paddle hangs loose and the handle points straight down. When full, grain presses the paddle tight against the wall, pointing the handle out to signal that the bin is full. When grain goes out of the bin, the device resets automatically.
"You just drill a 112 in. hole in the side and slip the handle through. The fins on either side of the paddle are fastened with an extremely strong adhesive -- no holes are drilled for them," says Toso. "The handle is 318 in. diameter so you have a 118 in. gap around it, which isn't enough to cause any moisture seepage problems in most cases."
The Bin Check can be used in any bin, corrugated or flat, and is said to be ideal for storage bins, wet bins and feeders. "Farmers are even mounting them on combine grain tanks, and turkey growers are using them on large range feeders in the field. We've put mercury bulbs on Bin Checks so they'll light up to signal when the bin is empty. You can rig the device with an electric switch that tells you, from a remote location, if a bin is empty or full."
The Bin Check paddle measures 4 in. by 6 in., and the handle is 5 in. long. Sells for $12.95, or five for $59.95.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John Toso, Sales Manager, LaGrande Manufacturing Co., RR3 Box 481, Alexandria, Minn. 56308 (612 763-7783).

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1979 - Volume #3, Issue #2