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Power Rake Eases Lawn Care Chores
Tired of raking leaves every fall and pulling old grass thatch off the lawn every spring? Then hear this. There's an easier way.
Phillip Lambert, of Zimmerman, Minn., built a gasoline-powered raking machine to automate his raking chores. Now, all he has to do is push the machine across his large lawn and let it do the work.
A 2 h.p. Briggs and Stratton engine drives the power rake. It works with either 3 or 5 adjustable wire rakes for a maximum working width of 7 1/2 ft. Lambert buys regular hand rakes, then removes the handles and bolts the rake head onto the raking bar.
Raking action is accomplished when the drive mechanism pulls the rakes forward 13 in., raises them up 1 ft., then repeats the cycle.
Lambert is looking for a manufacturer. He thinks the machine could be built for around $400 and would be ideal for owners of large lawns, golf courses, schools and other institutions.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Phillip Lambert, Rt. 2, Zimmerman, Minn. 55398 (ph 612 389-3116).

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1981 - Volume #5, Issue #4