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Spray Tracer: 100% Spray Accuracy
"It's a great way to cut the cost of chemicals," says Roger Underwood who, along with a partner, has developed a "Spray Tracer" that lets you see immediately whether you hit target weeds.
Spray Tracer is available as either a purple or red coloring. The dye has been cleared with the EPA as safe to both crop and humans and, added at the rate of a pint per 30 gal. of spray mix, it shows up vividly wherever the spray is aimed.
"Spot spraying in soybeans is the most common use but we've found the idea works when spraying pastures, ditches, farmsteads, fence rows and any other applications where spraying a specific area is important. It helps eliminate overlapping and saves time because you know exactly where you've been and what you have left to treat," says Underwood.
The spray color will be visible on plant surfaces for 1 or 2 days. Extreme heat and sunshine will dissipate the coloring faster. Spray Tracer sells for around $14 a quart and treats 100 to 120 acres, depending on the use.
Why not add commercial food or clothing dyes to chemicals yourself?
Underwood says that food dyes are transparent and would not show up if used. Clothing dyes, on the other hand, are opaque like Spray Tracer and could be used. However, clothing dyes are diluted with a carrying compound and would be far more expensive to use, he points out.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Becker-Underwood, 701 Dayton Ave., Ames, Iowa 50010 (ph 515 232-5907).

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1983 - Volume #7, Issue #2