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World's Best Shop Light
"Most farmers who buy one tell me it be-comes one of the best tools in their shop," says Jim Wilkens, inventor of a new "quadniple-jointed" shop light with an extension arm that reaches up as high as 14 ft. or can be laid flat along the ground to see underneath a piece of equipment.
"Quick Lite" has four joints that bend either way so you can maneuver the light into virtually any configuration to get light wherever it's needed: You can mount the base on the hub of a wheel to make it portable, or on a wall, table, post, or even on the back of a field service truck to make repairs in the field.
All the joints are spring balanced so it stays wherever you put it. There's two electrical outlets out on the extension arm to power hand tools as well as an on-off switch.
The light is shipped with your choice of a 300-watt halogen light, a 150-watt flood light or a 12-volt 55-watt halogen light for truck mounting. Sells for $249.50. A 10-ft. model sells for $224,50.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jim Wilkens, Wilkens & Co., 507 S. 7th., Atwood, Kan. 67730 (ph 913626-3998).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #4