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Masked Sprayer Protects Row Crops From Drift
Australian farmer Graham Hockey has developed a masked sprayer that lets him spray Roundup, and other non-selective herbicides, in growing crops to eliminate hard-to-kill weeds.
According to a report in the Australian magazine The Land, the new sprayer, called a "Hoxbox", is made of galvanized sheet metal formed around a steel frame and suspended from a toolbar on a parallel linkage so that each row unit raises independently over obstructions.
Nozzles mount near the top of the spray boxes, which are open at the front. Row units can be arranged to fit varying row spaces. Hockey has used the sprayer in no-till cotton, sunflowers, sorghum, corn, soybeans, and several other crops. Because each spray nozzle is enclosed, the sprayer can be used even in strong winds. Hockey mounts the sprayer toolbar on the front of a tractor with front 3-pt. but it could also be rear-mounted.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Graham Hockey, Spring Ridge, New South Wales, Australia (ph 067 47-3979).

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1986 - Volume #10, Issue #4