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Low Cost Depth Gauge
"My implement depth gauge can be mounted on almost any kind of tillage implement to keep it operating at a constant depth," says custom fabricator Dean Hodges, Joplin, Mt.
The spring-loaded gauge, shaped in a quarter circle, is connected by cable to the implement's hydraulic cylinder. The gauge is equipped with an indicator arm connected to the cable. As the cable moves back and forth with the hydraulic cylinder, it also moves the indicator arm. The indicator arm points to a scale on the gauge numbered from 0 to 14. The numbers indicate inches of tillage depth.
"This depth gauge works great on disks, field cultivators, plows and even earth scrapers. It's simple to use and reasonably priced," says Hodges. "The depth gauge is hooked up by cable to any part of the tillage implement where there's a hydraulic cylinder to control implement depth. It ensures a constant tillage depth when you turn on the ends of fields or change fields, and also when you change drivers. There's no guessing at where to set the hydraulic lever."
Sells for $25.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dean Hodges, Box 133, Joplin, Mt. 59531 (ph 406 292-3580).

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1989 - Volume #13, Issue #2