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Spillproof Nipple Waterers
"They're virtually spillproof," says the manufacturer of new Danish-designed Drik-O-Mat nipple waterers.
"Nipple valves deliver water into the bottom recess of a special-made protective trough, keeping water clean and virtually eliminating spillage when hogs drink. Our `no mess' design produces 20% less slurry per pig per day than conventional nipple drinkers," says the manufacturer.
A Drik-O-Mat model for growing-finishing hogs sells for $46.50, and a smaller model for weaners for $38.50. Both models come with stainless steel nipple valves that adjust to deliver 1 to 5 quarts per minute.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Smidley Mfg., Box 67, Britt, Iowa 50423 (ph 800 392-5632 or 515 843-4431).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #4