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Oil Tank Makes Great Bulk Bin
"I spent less than $2,000. A new bulk bin with similar capacity would have cost $5,000 or more," says Ian MacCuaig, Dalhousie Station, Quebec, who turned a "junked" oil tank into a bulk feed bin for his livestock building.
MacCuaig painted the 5/16-in. thick sides of the 12 by 24-ft. tank with aluminum paint and then washed the inside thoroughly with a high-pressure washer. He installed an aeration floor at the bottom and cut a hole for a fan. He also installed two air vents at the top of the tank and put a ladder on both the inside and outside. He made all the modifications to the tank as it lay on its side in the yard, and then hired a crane to set it up on a concrete pad next to the barn.
MacCuaig plans to convert a second bulk oil tank - bought along with the first tank from a demolition company - to which he plans to add a hopper bottom.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ian MacCuaig, Dalhousie Station, Quebec, Canada JOP 1G0 (ph 514 764-3464).

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1988 - Volume #12, Issue #5