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Ground Driven 2-Row Push Sprayer
When this nifty new 2-row sprayer is pushed forward, its large diameter wheel direct-drives a spray pump. When the operator stops pushing the sprayer forward, the pump stops, too.
The "Walkover" sprayer is designed for nursery work and for large gardens or small crop acreage. It has a 6 gal. tank, an easyto-read pressure gauge, a stainless steel tank filter and an in-line filter. The small boom allows infinite nozzle adjustment width or angle. The sprayer is designed to operate at low speeds of approximately 2 mph and will work with all types of herbicides and pesticides.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Walkover Sprayers, Ltd., 21 London Rd., Great Shelford, Cambridge, England CB2 5DF.

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1989 - Volume #13, Issue #5