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Bale Creations Big Hit For Pennsylvania Farmer
After seeing a photo in FARM SHOW last summer (Vol. 17, No. 4) about a Virginia farmer who turned a round bale into a man-eating spider, Pennsylvania farmer Thomas Patton decided to set up a similar display along the highway passing by his farm.
All it took were a few pieces of plastic drainage tile, some plywood, and the bottom half of a human dummy. After he set it up in October, word quickly spread and soon people were driving by from all around to get a look.
"We had a lot of reaction from both young and old. Both our local newspapers ran stories and pictures," says Patton.
As Halloween passed, Patton hated to see the pet spider leave. Since Thanksgiving was coming up, he decided to come up with a new creation for that holiday - a giant turkey.
After the stir that bird attracted - with its colorful fan tail and neck made out of PVC pipe - it was only natural that he come up with something for Christmas. The result was a giant big bale Santa. He placed a big bale on end, covered it with red fabric and put it up on a pair of sturdy legs. A bag of toys and a candy cane completed the picture.
When he started getting appreciative notes in the mail from people who said they enjoyed his efforts, Patton decided he'd keep on going right into January. He set up what looked like a disastrous snowmobile collision, complete with dummy stuffed head first into bale.
What's up next? If you're ever in Pennsylvania, drive by his place on Under Road near Jamestown and find out.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Thomas G. Patton, 114 Unger Rd., Jamestown, Penn. 16134 (ph 412 932-5862).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #4