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Push Sprayer Attaches To Swather Lift Arms
"I do all my spraying with a Deere 2420 swather coupled up to a 4-wheel 500 gal. George White sprayer with a 65-ft. boom," says Robert Huff, Edmonton, Alberta, who likes the visibility and maneuverability of the up-front sprayer as well as the fact that it gives him a second job for his swather which would otherwise sit idle most of the year.
"I've always done all my spraying with swathers using various home-built rigs," says Huff, who's been farming 35 years.
He attached the header lift arms on the swather directly to the front hubs on the sprayer trailer. A push hitch runs back under the swather, mounted to frame of swather. The sprayer drawbar hooks directly into the push hitch.
At first Huff planned to put caster wheels on the rear of the sprayer in place of the fixed wheels, but after trying it without decided it worked fine. It turns a bit hard at first but he notes that all turns are big ones due to the 65-ft. boom. After the first 100 gal. are used up the turns are much easier. A pto off the swather drives the spray pump. Sprayer gauges and valves mount on a stand positioned just outside the right side window of the cab for easy access. The swather can be quickly converted back for swathing when spraying is finished.
"I get to sit in comfort in an air conditioned cab. Visibility is great and if I see a patch of weeds off in a corner somewhere I can get right in there to spray them and then easily back out. That would be impossible to do with a trailing sprayer this big," says Huff.
He transports the sprayer backwards, folding the booms together behind the tank.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Robert C. Huff, Rt. 6, Box 246A, Edmonton, Alberta Canada T5B 4K3 (ph 403 472-6202).

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1991 - Volume #15, Issue #1