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Herd Dog Watches Sheep
Hogs are natural-born sheep herders, ac-cording to two sheep-raising brothers in Britain who accidentally stumbled upon the hidden talents of hogs on their farm near Swansea, Wales.
In addition to their flock of about 300 sheep, Ian and Clive Watters raise a variety of farm animals including chickens, ponies and hogs. The hogs are allowed to roam freely in the farmyard and one day Ian took one of them along to the sheep pasture. That was when he accidentally discovered the 500 lb. Tamworth's herding ability. The hog quickly caught on to the business of herding. When he snorts and roots around, the sheep take off.
Since making the hog herding discovery, Ian has trained four other herd hogs and says he plans to breed a litter strictly for herding purposes. He says herd hogs would work particularly well for smaller operations that can't justify the expense of a well-trained sheep dog.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ian & Clive Watters, Llandewi, Reynoldston, Swansea, SA3 1AU Wales,U.K.

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1987 - Volume #11, Issue #6