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Hay Stack Peak For Tarping Bales
New hay stack "peak" creates a ridge that holds the tarp 5 ft. off the hay down the center of the stack. It lets air circulate over the stack and sheds rain and snow, according to Glen Knopp, manager, Inland Tarp & Cover, Inc., Almira, Wash.
The tarp ridge consists of 10-ft. sections of 3-in. PVC pipe supported by triangle-shaped steel supports made out of la-in. reinforcing rod and steel tubing. Both sides of the waterproof tarp are staked to the bottom of the stack.
"It eliminates the need to pile bales on top of the stack to form a peak and then remove them before loading hay onto your truck," says Knopp.
Sells for about $3 per running ft. The company also sells plans to make your own tarp ridge.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Inland Tarp & Cover, Inc., Box 193, Almira, Wash. 99103-0193 (ph 509 639-2355 or 800 346-7744).

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1993 - Volume #17, Issue #2