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Traffic Cone Pig Holder
Renee Stockham, Hastings, Mich., designed this "traffic cone" pig holder to make castration easier. It puts the pig in a position where one person can work on it with both hands free.
Stockham turned a traffic cone upside down and nailed the base to a pair of saw-horses. The pig is picked up by his back legs and placed head first into the cone. The pig's front feet fold under him which limits his ability to move. Air coming up through the cone opening allows the pig to breathe easily and the soft material prevents injury.
According to Stockham, a large traffic cone costs about $16.50 and a small one about $9. She notes that the cones can also be mounted between 2 by 4's in any handy location or within a box-type frame built around the cone.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Renee Stockham, Hastings, Mich 49058 (ph 616 948-2946)

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1992 - Volume #16, Issue #5