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He Makes Money With Traveling Farm Museum
Eldon Mandelin says he might have the world's first traveling antique museum and he's thrilled with the response of people who've had a chance to see the collection he's put together over the past two decades.
The museum consists of a 1957 White Mustang semi truck and trailer jammed full of phonographs, telephones, stoves, hand bells, photographs, old tools, and many other items.
Eldon has taken the traveling museum to fairs and exhibitions across the U.S. and Canada. When he's not on the road, he parks the truck and trailer in his farmyard that borders a busy highway near Rocky Mountain House, Alberta. While parked at his home the museum is open to the public from June 15 to September 15, Thursdays through Mondays. He charges $2 admission.
During each personally guided tour, Mandelin tells stories about special items in the collection, plays records on some of the old phonographs, and answers questions from anyone who asks.
In addition to what's inside the trailer, Mandelin also has a collection of antique farm machinery and cars around his yard that visitors are invited to explore including old threshing machines, tractors, and implements. He is restoring his 75-year-old home to its original state with bare wood floors and other original features.
All of Mandelin's antiques have been carefully restored to like new condition. One of the highlights of the museum is Mandelin's fence wire collection. He has over 1,900 different wire strands collected from all over North America.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Eldon Mandelin, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada (ph 403 845-6144).

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1990 - Volume #14, Issue #1