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Pik Belt Buckle
If you're looking for an unusual gift with a humorous touch, this commemorative PIK belt buckle may be the answer. They're numbered, with the first ones going as gifts to President Ronald Reagan and Agriculture Secretary John Block.
Made with a pewter finish, the limited edition buckle carries the message "I was saved by PIK, 1983" on the front side and, in small print on the back side, the following message: "1983 was the year of PIK (payment in kind program). It was the most costly farm program in history. Farmers were paid with commodities for taking land out of production. Commodities taken out of production were corn, sorghum, wheat, barley, cotton and rice."  
Sells for $12.50.
Contact: Leo Unkrur, Iowa Premium and Specialty Co., Cleghorn, Iowa 51014. (ph 712 225-2083).

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1983 - Volume #7, Issue #6