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Tractor-Pulled Compost Turner
"You can convert manure, crop residue, and other organic waste into valuable compost with our new pto-powered pull-type compost turner," says Edwin Blosser, Midwest Bio-Systems, Tampico, Ill.
The 2-wheeled "Aeromaster" is equipped with a 10-ft. wide drum fitted with 58 bolt-on tines in a spiral pattern. You dump manure or other organic matter into long, narrow piles, then use the compost turner to mix up the piles periodically. The drum blends and aerates while at the same time allowing carbon dioxide to escape. It leaves triangular windrows about 4 1/2 ft. high and 10 ft. wide at the base. Water and "compost starter" can be added at the same time, if desired, to improve the breakdown of material and rate of microbe growth. The rig can be equipped with a 1,000-gal. pull-behind water tank or an optional 65-gal., side-mounted plastic tank.
Edwin Blosser says interest in the new compost maker has been tremendous. His company already has 68 rigs in 25 states. "It works with any kind of waste product - anything organic can be composted, including wood chips. An Arizona poultry producer mixes ground-up yard waste with chicken manure. Several Midwest beef and dairy operators are using our machines."
Blosser says it takes 6 to 8 weeks to turn manure into odorless compost. He recommends turning the piles every day during the first week, about four times the second week, about three times the third week, and once the fourth week and every week there-after until the compost is finished. The machine's axle can be hydraulically adjusted on-the-go 6 in. up or down for optimum drum height as you move through the pile. The hood and drum raise vertically and lock in place for transport. A counterweight on one side of the machine keeps it stable.
Sells for about $20,000.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mid-West Bio-Systems, Rt. 1, Box 121, Tampico, Ill. 61283 (ph 815 542-6426).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #6